
Sunday School

Bible Learning Center 1000 S. 84th ST., Lincoln, United States

Sunday School classes are available for all ages on Sunday mornings. Kids 2 1/2 years old through 5th grade learn from Bible lessons hands-on and music upstairs in rooms 2209-2323 during the 8:45 am hour. Children from 2 1/2 to 5 years old stay in their classrooms for the 10:00am hour as well. See the […]

Morning Worship Service

Auditorium 1000 S. 84th St., Lincoln, United States

Join us every Sunday morning for our main worship service. Nursery for young children provided, as well as children's church for elementary children.


Auditorium 1000 S. 84th St., Lincoln, United States

Join us for Communion as we observe the Lord's Supper at the end of the morning Worship Service.

Event Series Evening Worship Service

Evening Worship Service

Auditorium 1000 S. 84th St., Lincoln, United States

Join us every Sunday evening for worship and the continued study of God's Word. Nursery for young children provided, and we also offer special children's programs - Sonshine Kids (ages 4-Kindergarten), Boys of Faith (grades 1st-6th), Girls of Grace (grades 1st-6th).

Event Series Sonshine Kids

Sonshine Kids

Room 2324-25

Children from 4 years through kindergarten are invited to take part in the Sonshine kids on Sunday nights. After sitting with their parents in the evening service music from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm, they are dismissed to rooms on the second floor for a time of Bible lessons and music until the end of […]