Adult Ministries
We seek to help adults love God by growing in our knowledge of Him and living in worshipful obedience to His Word.

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
2 Peter 3:18
Adult Sunday School Classes
- Doxa — Chapel (1100)
- LOGOS — Room 1102
- Common Bonds — Room 1404
- HIS — Room 1414
- 180 Fellowship — Room 1417
- LIFE — Room 1419
- EDGE — Room 1422

Men’s Ministries
Men’s Breakfasts
The men of the church get together a few Saturday mornings out of the year for Men’s Breakfast. They enjoy fellowship and a speaker over sausage and pancakes, and a good time is enjoyed by all.
Annual Men’s Conference
Our annual men’s conference runs from Friday night through Saturday afternoon and includes fellowship, singing, and learning from guest speakers who minister the Word throughout the weekend.
Women’s Ministries
Titus Tuesday
During the school year, the ladies of the church gather on Monday evenings at 6:30pm or Tuesday mornings at 9:15am to enjoy light brunch, prayer time, Bible study, applicational discussion, and various classes geared toward biblical womanhood. The aim of these events is to encourage women to increase in godliness and to develop Titus 2 relationships.
Once each summer, this event at church features a salad and dessert meal, music, a special feature, and testimony. It is an opportunity for outreach and also serves as a wonderful time of fellowship for the ladies of the body.
Women’s Conference
Each year in February, Women’s Ministries hosts a conference at the church on Friday evening and Saturday. Our ladies enjoy encouragement from the Word and times of fellowship throughout the event. Meals are provided and visitors are welcome.
SISTERS is a ladies Bible study group that meets on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.“
1 John 4:11

Singles and Young Married Ministries
EDGE (Every Day Giving Everything)
EDGE is a diverse group of people who are determined to serve, provide leadership, and build up one another with the purpose of growing in God’s word. The group meets in the choir room (the southwest corner of the building on the 2nd floor) at 8:50 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Common Bonds
The men and women who make up the Common Bonds class are united in a common bond—love for the Savior, Jesus Christ. Classmates are married without kids and married with kids. As a group, Common Bonds enjoys getting together, helping each other and serving the church. If you would like to learn more about this group, you are invited to attend their class at 8:45 a.m., Sunday morning in room 1404.
Home Bible Studies
Learn More About Our Ministries
In each of our ministries, we seek to teach the Bible and equip followers of Jesus Christ with the knowledge and tools necessary for a meaningful life and impactful ministry—all for the glory of God.